Health Education
Chinese Medicine Treatment for Chronic Pain Program
Chinese Medicine Treatment for Chronic Pain Program
Pain is considered to be chronic if it lasts for more than 3 months and the situation has not been improved after routine medication treatment. ...
Tianjiu Therapy 2024
Tianjiu Therapy 2024
Clinics of School of Chinese Medicine, CUHK (CUSCM) will provide Tianjiu Therapy from July to August 2024. Interested parties are welcome to register through our website and hotline. Tianjiu Therapy is conducted during San Fu Tian when Yang Qi is strong, which is one of the hottest periods of the year according to the 24 Solar Terms. ...
Flu Campaign 2024
Flu Campaign 2024
In response to the high demand of medical service during the peak season of flu, Integrative Medical Centre, CUHK is pleased to launch ‘Flu Campaign 2024 ...
Integrative Medicine Treatment in Menopause in Women: A Pilot Service Program
Integrative Medicine Treatment in Menopause in Women: A Pilot Service Program
After entering middle age, women experience a gradual decline in ovarian function, leading to the cessation of ovulation and menstruation, marking the onset of menopause. It typically occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. ...
「Sharing Session on How Integrative Medicine Increases the Success Rate of IVF Treatment 」Highlight
*The post in Chinese ONLY* 早前,本研究所舉辦了以中西醫結合治療增加試管嬰兒療程成功率為主題的「中西合璧增加試管嬰兒療程成功率分享會」公眾講座。活動當日邀請了本研究所註冊中醫周德宜醫師及婦產科專科藍寶梅醫生作為主講嘉賓,以中西醫不同角度講解增加試管嬰兒成功機會的要素。 ...
Integrative Medicine Treatment on Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis Public Seminar
Integrative Medicine Treatment on Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis Public Seminar
*The content is in Chinese ONLY* 哮喘及過敏性鼻炎(俗稱鼻敏感)是本地兒童以至成年人最常見的慢性病之一。據統計,八成的哮喘病人同時患有鼻敏感,而鼻敏感患者則比常人更易患有哮喘,可見兩者關係密切。為使公眾更了解中西醫結合治療如何幫助哮喘及鼻敏感患者,香港中文大學香港中西醫結合醫學研究所及 香港醫護聯盟特意舉辦此公眾講座,由兒科專科醫生及註冊中醫師聯合主講。 ...
Sharing Session on How Integrative Medicine Increases the Success Rate of IVF Treatment
Sharing Session on How Integrative Medicine Increases the Success Rate of IVF Treatment
Integrative Medicine Treatment in Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis: A Pilot Service Program
Integrative Medicine Treatment in Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis: A Pilot Service Program
Asthma and allergic rhinitis are two major chronic diseases in children and adults. Patients who suffer from asthma can experience coughing, breathlessness and wheezing when airway narrowing takes place, which can be induced by a wide range of triggers. ...
Tianjiu Therapy 2023
Tianjiu Therapy 2023
Integrative Medical Centre, CUHK (IMC) will provide Tianjiu Therapy from July to August 2023. Interested parties are welcome to register through our website and hotline. Tianjiu Therapy is conducted during San Fu Tian when Yang Qi is strong, which is one of the hottest periods of the year according to the 24 Solar Terms. ...
Integrative Medicine
Integrative Medicine
Thyroid dysfunction is one of the most common endocrine diseases, among which hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism and goiter are the most common. Thyroid dysfunction has higher prevalence in women. ...
‘Door to Door Delivery Service of Chinese Medicine’ is now available
‘Door to Door Delivery Service of Chinese Medicine’ is now available
Integrative Medical Centre and CUHK – SHFA Integrative Medical Centre, which were established under Hong Kong Institute of Integrative Medicine, have newly introduced the ‘Door to Door Delivery Service of Chinese Medicine’. ...
Free Telemedicine Consultation Service in COVID-19 Convalescence Care
Free Telemedicine Consultation Service in COVID-19 Convalescence Care
Free Telemedicine Consultation Service in COVID-19 Convalescence Care ...
Winter Natural Moxibustion Therapy 2022
Winter Natural Moxibustion Therapy 2022
‘Winter Natural Moxibustion Therapy – Dissipate Cold to Resist Diseases’ Registration Opens at 10am, 23 November 2022 (Wednesday) ...
Integrative Medicine Sleep Health Program
Integrative Medicine Sleep Health Program
Sleep is a time when the body recovers and rests. It can be negatively affected by unwholesome habits, stress or poor health conditions. Subsequently, sleep-related issues can affect memory, work efficiency, even increase the risk of getting chronic diseases etc.. ...
Integrative Medicine Treatment in Eczema: A Pilot Service Program
Integrative Medicine Treatment in Eczema: A Pilot Service Program
Eczema is a common inflammatory skin disease. Eczema affects a wide range of people, regardless of age, gender and region, and has huge impacts on patient’s quality of life and general well-being. ...
天灸治療知多D (Chinese Only)
天灸治療知多D (Chinese Only)
夏季進行的天灸療法,是基於中醫理論,於特定日子進行基本三次的中藥穴位敷貼,起預防及治療疾病的功效。由於毋須內服藥物,故對常見病的處理有簡單、便宜、安全等好處為市民所認識。 ...
Tianjiu Therapy 2022
Tianjiu Therapy 2022
Tianjiu Therapy 2022,registration begins ...
Free Telemedicine Consultation Service for COVID-19 patient
Free Telemedicine Consultation Service for COVID-19 patient
In view of the current critical situation of the pandemic, Integrative Medical Centre, Hong Kong Institute of Integrative Medicine, CUHK (IMC) launches “Free Telemedicine Consultation Service for COVID-19 patients” in order to help patients in the community could have Chinese medicine treatment as soon as possible. ...
「2019冠狀病毒病 - 安老院舍中醫診療服務」正式推出香港中文大學中西醫結合醫務中心
「2019冠狀病毒病 - 安老院舍中醫診療服務」正式推出香港中文大學中西醫結合醫務中心
*This article is in Chinese only* ...
2019冠狀病毒病 - 安老院舍中醫診療服務
2019冠狀病毒病 - 安老院舍中醫診療服務
*This article is in Chinese only* ...
“Fight Against COVID-19” Campaign Re-launches
“Fight Against COVID-19” Campaign Re-launches
In view of the current unstable situation of the pandemic, Integrative Medical Centre, Hong Kong Institute of Integrative Medicine, CUHK (IMC) relaunches the “Fight Against COVID-19” Campaign to fight the virus together. ...
Winter Natural Moxibustion Therapy 2021
Winter Natural Moxibustion Therapy 2021
Integrative Medical Centre (IMC), The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) will provide Winter Natural Moxibustion Therapy 2021 from December 2021 to January 2022. Winter Natural Moxibustion is carried out during the period when Yang Qi begins to grow over the year. By applying Chinese Medicine mixture on certain acupoints on the skin, the medicine will stimulate the body to regulate the meridian system, balance yin-yang and harmonize the visceral system. It maintains and enhances health. ...
Integrative Medicine Treatment in Acne: A Pilot Service Program
Integrative Medicine Treatment in Acne: A Pilot Service Program
Acne, also known as acne vulgaris, belongs to the category “Acne” and “Acne of Lung Wind” in Chinese medicine, refers to a chronic inflammation of the hair follicle and sebaceous glands. It often occurs on the head and face, affecting appearance, which causes patients to lack self-confidence and have low self-image ...
Integrative Medicine Treatment in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Pilot Service Program
Integrative Medicine Treatment in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: A Pilot Service Program
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a physiological change that every elderly male may undergo in his life, just like the menopause of women. ...
「三伏天灸療程 2020 」
「三伏天灸療程 2020 」
2020年6月8日(星期一)上午10時正 正式接受報名 ...
Medical Benefit for CUHK Staff and dependents – Extra Outpatient Consultation Services Scheme
Medical Benefit for CUHK Staff and dependents – Extra Outpatient Consultation Services Scheme
Medical Benefit for CUHK Staff and dependents – Extra Outpatient Consultation Services Scheme (EOCSS) By providing medical services to CUHK staff and dependents, the Centre wishes more of them get to know HKIIM and its Centre better. ...
The CUHK Medical Clinic has now commenced service
The CUHK Medical Clinic is the first satellite clinic of the CUHK Medical Centre (CUMC). The clinic is located at 5/F, Podium Plaza, 5 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, providing a broad range of medical services to patients... ...