Hong Kong Institute of Integrative Medicine

林志秀教授 Prof. LIN Zhi-xiu

所長 Director

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胡志遠教授 Prof. Justin WU Che-yuen

創所所長 Founding Director

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黃仰山教授 Prof. Samuel WONG Yeung-shan

Convener (Family Medicine and Primary Care Section)

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鍾志豪教授 Prof. Vincent CHUNG Chi-ho

Convener (Education Section)

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許斌醫生 Dr. Edwin HUI Pun

召集人 (腫瘤科) Convener (Oncology Section)

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羅尚尉醫生 Dr. LAW Sheung-wai

召集人(骨科) Convener (Orthopaedics Section)


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陳錦良博士 Dr. CHAN Kam-leung

召集人(研發組) Convener (Research and Development Section)

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梁頌名教授 Prof. LIANG Songming

訪問教授 (名譽)
Visiting Professor (Honorary)

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孫外主教授 Prof. SUN Waizhu

訪問教授 (名譽)
Visiting Professor (honorary)

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車鎮濤教授 Prof. CHE Chun-tao

客座教授 Adjunct Professor

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鞠琰莉教授 Prof. JU Yanli

Adjunct Professor

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余秋良教授 Prof. YU Chau-leung

客座教授 Adjunct Professor

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蔡潯遠教授 Prof. CAI Xunyuan

Adjunct Professor

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程劍華教授 Prof. CHENG Jianhua

Adjunct Professor

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林冠傑教授 Prof. LAM Koon-kit

客座副教授 Adjunct Associate Professor

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Prof. Josiah POON Chun-fai

客座副教授 Adjunct Associate Professor

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潘家誠教授 Prof. Simon POON Kar-sing

客座副教授 Adjunct Associate Professor

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謝萬里教授 Prof. TSE Man-li

客座副教授 Adjunct Associate Professor

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梁善邦教授 Prof. LEUNG Sin-bond

Adjunct Assistant Professor

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韓錦倫教授 Prof. HON Kam-lun

名譽臨床教授 Clinical Professor (honorary)

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柯加恆教授 Prof. OR Ka-hang

名譽臨床副教授 Clinical Associate Professor (honorary)

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黃韻婷教授 Prof. Wendy WONG

客座副教授 Adjunct Associate Professor

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盧景勳醫生 Prof. Steven LOO King-fan

Clinical Assistant Professor (honorary)
Specialist in dermatology

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歐國賢博士 Dr. AU Kwok-yin

專業顧問 Professional Consultant

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洪雙雙博士 Dr. HUNG Sheung-sheung

專業顧問 Professional Consultant 

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林玉瑜女士 Ms. LAM Yuk Yu

兼任導師 (臨床) Part-time Instructor (Clinical)

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連煒鈴博士 Dr. LIN Wai-ling

專業顧問 Professional Consultant 

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陳晓薇女士 Ms. CHAN Hiu Mei

專業顧問 Professional Consultant




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周德宜女士 Ms. CHOW Tak Yee

專業顧問 Professional Consultant

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莊芳菲女士 Ms. CHUANG Fong Fei

專業顧問  Professional Consultant

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劉昭勁博士 Dr. LAU Chiu-king Martin

專業顧問  Professional Consultant

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連頴姸博士 Dr. LIN Wing-yin

專業顧問 Professional Consultant

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劉錦偉先生 Mr. LAU Kam-wai

專業顧問兼任導師(臨床) Professional Consultant (honorary) Part-time Instructor (Clinical)

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梁知女士 Ms. LEUNG Chi

教學助理 Teaching Assistant

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王秋平博士 Dr. WONG Chau Ping

兼任導師 (臨床) Part-time Instructor (Clinical)

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凌桂珍女士 Ms. LING Kwai-chun

 名譽專業顧問 Professional Consultant (honorary)

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黃仕達先生 Mr. WONG Shi Tat

專業顧問 (名譽) Professional Consultant (honorary)


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陳雅文女士 Ms. CHAN Yawen

臨床心理學家 Clinical Psychologist (Part-time)

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