日期﹕ 2022年7月31日 (星期日)
時間﹕ 下午2時至6時
形式﹕ 網上Zoom直播 

註冊中醫進修學分 (CME(CMP)): 3.5學分

持續護理教育學分(CNE): 3.5學分


報名連結﹕ 請點擊這裡
查詢﹕ 2873 3032


  1. 治理易醫及難醫的濕疹 - 余秋良醫生
  2. 中醫辨證論治改善體質防治濕疹 - 陳晓薇醫師
  3. 營養學可怎樣幫助特應性皮炎 - 史曼媚博士
  4. 兒童濕疹の中西合壁,驅魔祛邪 - 韓錦倫教授
  5. 濕疹西醫都講「斷尾」? - 盧景勳醫生
  6. 中西醫結合治療特應性皮炎﹕臨床證據和經驗 - 林志秀教授
Hong Kong Institute of Integrative Medicine (HKIIM), CUHK and Integrative Joint Organization Platform (IJOP), HKAIM jointly organize 'Symposium on Integrative Medicine Treatment for Atopic Dermatitis', with an aim of bringing together Western medicine clinicians, Chinese medicine practitioners in this field to share the latest development of the diagnostic and treatment methods of the disease. The details are as follow: 
Date:  31 July 2022 (Sun)
Time:  2pm - 6pm
Format:  Zoom Live Webinar

CME (CMP): 3.5 points

CNE: 3.5 points

CME: under application

Registation Link: Please Click Here
Inquiry: 2873 3032

Topics and Speakers: 

  1. Managing Eczema: Easy to Recalcitrant - Dr. YU Chau Leung Edwin
  2. Syndrome Differentiation in Chinese Medicine in Body Constitution, Prevention and Treatment of Eczema - CMP. CHAN Hiu Mei
  3. How Nutrition Can Help Atopic Dermatitis - Dr. SEA Man Mei Mandy
  4. Childhood Eczema: Integrate, No Other Way! - Prof. HON Kam Lun Ellis
  5. Modern Management of Atopic Dermatitis: Treat to the Target - Dr. LOO King Fan Steven
  6. Integrative Medicine for AD: Evidence and Experience - Prof. LIN Zhixiu 