Asthma and allergic rhinitis are clinically common respiratory allergic diseases. Although the two diseases differ in clinical manifestations, they are very similar in terms of etiology and pathogenesis. Research has shown that the prevalence of both diseases has increased over the past few decades, placing an economic burden on the health care system and patients. In light of this, Hong Kong Institute of Integrative Medicine (HKIIM) and School of Chinese Medicine, CUHK as well as CUHK Medical Centre (CUHKMC) jointly organize this symposium, with an aim of bringing together Western medicine clinicians, Chinese medicine practitioners in this field to share the latest development of the diagnostic and treatment methods of the disease. It is a golden opportunity to get updated of the most recent research findings, as well as the prospect on the practicalities of an integrative model for management of this distressing respiratory disease. Details as follow:
日期﹕2024年1月28日 (星期日) / Date: 28 January 2024 (Sun)
時間﹕下午2時至4時 / Time: 2pm to 4pm
形式﹕網上Zoom直播 / Mode: Webinar
語言﹕廣東話 (Supplemented with English) / Language: Cantonese (Supplemented with English)
費用﹕免費 / Charge: Free
學分﹕註冊中醫進修學分﹕2學分 (CME-PP0018-SCM0453) / Accreditation: 2 points CME (CMP) (CME-PP0018-SCM0453)
報名方法﹕請點撃進入此連結或掃瞄右下方QR Code及填寫報名表格 / Registration: Please click this link or scan the QR Code on the poster
截止報名日期﹕2024年1月26日 (星期五) / Deadline for Registration: 26 January 2024 (Fri)