Professional Diploma Programme in Holistic Cancer Care for Chinese Medicine Practitioners
課程簡介及目標 Programme Overview and Objectives
This one-year part-time programme aims at providing the updates of integrative model of cancer care. This programme not only equips the Chinese medicine practitioners (CMPs) with the practical knowledge and skills, but also enriches them with the latest development in the field of cancer research. Hence, it can facilitate the CMPs to manage cancer cases more effectively. We hope that the programme will enhance the professional standards and reputation of CMPs as well as nurture the professionals for the development of first Chinese Medicine Hospital in Hong Kong.
預計學習成果Expected Learning Outcomes
- 癌症的基本知識與診斷
- 癌症的相關治療方法
- 認識最常見癌症的綜合治療護理
- 掌握紓緩治療及與癌症病人的溝通技巧
Upon completion of the programme, graduates will have an in-depth understanding of the four topics:
(1) Understanding and Diagnosis of Cancer;
(2) Cancer and its therapies;
(3) Specific Malignancies, and its integrative management; and
(4) Palliative Care and cancer-related communication.
課程簡介Course Outline
課程一: 癌症的基本知識與診斷
- 癌症流行病學的概況,如:發病率、死亡率及對衛生保健系統的負擔
- 與癌症病人之溝通技巧
- 診斷癌症的基本理解,包括:X-光、磁共振成像、正電子掃描、超聲波、生物標記及基因學診斷方法等
- 國際認可的癌症臨床研究方法學
Module 1: Understanding and Diagnosis of Cancer
- Overview of the cancer epidemiological landscape of the prevalence, mortality, burden on the health care system
- Communication skill for cancer patients
- Fundamental concept of diagnosing cancers in terms of the interpretation of X-ray, MRI, PET-CT, ultrasound, cancer biomarkers or genetic information
- International benchmarking of cancer research methodology
課程二: 癌症相關治療方法
- 了解癌症的西醫治療方法,包括:外科手術、放射治療、化學治療、標靶治療和免疫治療
Module 2: Cancer and its Therapy
- Understanding the Western medicine treatment methods for cancer, including surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, target therapy and immunotherapy
課程三: 認識最常見癌症的綜合治療護理
- 了解特定惡性腫瘤的綜合護理,如:肺癌、鼻咽癌、食道癌、胃癌、肝癌、胰腺癌、大腸癌、乳腺癌、卵巢癌、子宮頸癌、前列腺癌、白血病等
Module 3: Specific Malignancies and its integrative care model
- Understanding the integrative care for specific malignancies such as lung cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, prostate cancers, leukemia etc.
課程四: 掌握紓緩治療及與癌症病人的溝通技巧
- 癌症患者的紓緩治療與及喪親處理技巧
- 六個癌症相關溝通之主要範疇,包括:(i)應對情緒、(ii)交換訊息、(iii)作出決定、(iv)建立治癒關係、(v)使患者能夠自我管理、 (vi) 處理不確定性
- 辨識癌症患者的急症處理及中西藥之相互作用
Module 4: Palliative Care and Cancer-related Communication
- Concept of palliative care for cancer patients and bereavement skills
- Six domains of cancer communication skills: (i) responding to emotions, (ii) exchanging information, (iii) making decision, (iv) fostering healing relationships, (v) enabling patient self-management, (vi) managing uncertainty
- Identifying cancer-related emergency and herb-drug interaction
開課日期Start Date
課程為期Study period
12個月(12 months)
總授課時數Total Number of Contact Hours
200小時 (200 hours)
授課語言Medium of Instruction
Cantonese/Putonghua, supplemented with English
逢星期三 (晚上) / 星期六/ 星期日
Every Wednesday (Evening) / Saturday /Sunday
授課模式 Teaching Mode:
Zoom 網上授課 online-teaching
課程時間表 Course Schedule
請參閱此連結 please refer to the link
*課程時間表或按情況作出調整.。Course Schedule is subject to change.*
教學人員Teaching Staff
西醫 Western Medicine |
中醫 Chinese Medicine |
陳林教授 Dr. CHAN Lam Stephen |
歐國賢博士 Dr. AU Kwok Yin |
陳樹賢醫生 Dr. CHAN Shu Yin Eddie |
蔡潯遠教授 Prof. CAI Xunyuan |
陳穎樂醫生 Dr. CHAN Wing-lok Wendy |
曹克儉博士 Dr. CAO KE JIAN |
陳遠忠醫生 Dr. CHAN Yuen Chung David |
陳抗生教授 Prof. CHAN Kong Sang |
陳雅文小姐 Ms. CHAN Yawen |
張恩欣教授 Prof CHANG Anhsin |
張天怡醫生 Dr. CHANG Tien-yee Amy |
陳炳忠教授 Prof. CHEN Bingzhong |
張德康醫生 Dr. Cheung Tak Hong |
程劍華教授 Prof. CHENG Jianhua |
蔣子樑醫生 Dr. CHIANG Chi-leung |
郭岳峰教授 Prof. GUO Yue Feng |
程月玲女士 Ms. CHING Yuet Ling Jessica |
林道儀博士 Dr. Lam To Yi |
曹志成博士 Dr. William CHO |
李穗暉醫師 Dr. LI Sui-hui |
賴銘曦醫生 Dr. Billy LAI |
連煒鈴博士 Dr LIN Wai Ling |
林嘉安醫生 Dr. LAM Ka-on |
林麗珠教授 Prof. LIN Lizhu |
李浩勳醫生 Dr. LEE Ho-fun Victor |
劉展華教授 Prof LIU Chang-hua |
梁梓敦先生 Mr. Arnold LEUNG |
劉宇龍教授 Prof. LIU Yu Lung |
勞思傑醫生 Dr. Raymond SK LO |
黃賢樟教授 Prof. WANG, Xian Zhang |
吳兆文教授 Prof. NG Siu-man Simon |
王雄文教授 Prof Wang Xiong Wen |
潘明駿醫生 Dr. Darren MC POON |
黃韻婷博士 Dr. Wendy WONG |
蘇子謙醫生 Dr. SO Tsz Him |
徐凱教授 Prof. XU Kai |
史曼媚博士 Dr. Mandy SEA |
許云博士 Dr. XU Yun |
施俊健醫生 Dr. SZE Chun-kin Henry |
周岱翰教授 Prof. ZHOU Daihan |
唐美思醫生 Dr. Macy TONG |
左中教授 Prof ZUO Zhong |
黃至生醫生 Dr. WONG Chi Sang Martin |
王俊威醫生 Dr. WONG Chun-wai Kenneth |
王紹明醫生 Dr. WONG Siu-ming Raymond |
專業認證Professional Accreditation
由香港中西醫結合學會(HKAIM)發出之註冊中醫持續醫學進修項目出席證書(CME-PP0029-21004 /整個課程200分)
Attendance Certificate for Continuing Education in Chinese Medicine (CME-PP0029-21004/ 200 points for the whole programme) by Hong Kong Association for Integration of Chinese-Western Medicine (HKAIM)
Candidates will be awarded the diploma qualification upon satisfactorily fulfilling ALL of the following requirements:
- 每個單元的課堂出席率不少於 70%
At least 70% of attendance in each module
- 每個單元的選擇題考核得到及格成績 (至少取得D級或以上)
Pass a multiple choice exam paper for each course (Grade D or above)
- 在癌症患者的診斷和治療的錄影評估得到及格成績
Pass a video assessment on diagnosis and management of cancer patients
- 學員累積平均積點不低於 2.0(至少取得C級或以上)
Obtain a cumulative overall GPA not lower than 2.0 (Grade C or above)
2021-2022年度入學資格Admission Requirements for 2021-2022:
Applicants should either be:
- 擁有學士學位或以上學歷資格 及
a degree holder AND
- 持有有效執業證書的香港註冊中醫師 及
a registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner with a valid practicing certificate in Hong Kong AND
- 具備最少三年或以上臨床經驗*
with at least 3 years of post-registration clinical experience
Preference will be given to applicants with the qualification or certificate related to cancer training
申請程序Application Procedures
Applicants should complete the Application Form along with the following documents online [web link] OR via paper form [download link] and mail to Programme Office by 17 March 2021:
1. 近照一張
a recent photo
2. 香港身份證副本
a copy of Hong Kong Identity Card
3. 學歷證明副本
Copies of academic certificates
4. 有效的香港註冊中醫執業證明書副本
Copy of valid practising certificate for registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner in Hong Kong
5. 癌症培訓計劃出席證明書的副本(如適用)
申請方法Application method
Application is closed on 17 March 2021.
學費 Tuition Fee
課程費用: 港幣$8,000*
Programme Fee: HKD8,000*
(*感謝香港特別行政區政府中醫藥發展基金資助,原為港幣$45,000 之學費將獲准於2020-2021學年 扣減至港幣$8,000 。課程中120學時的授課及相關費用,由中醫藥發展基金資助;另80學時的授課及相關費用,則由學員自資。)
(* Note: Thankful for the support of the Chinese Medicine Development Fund (CMDF) of the HKSAR Government, the tuition fee for the batch admitted in 2020-21 academic year has been deducted from HK$45,000 to HK$8,000. Instruction and related fee of 120 hours are sponsored by the Chinese Medicine Development Fund (CMDF) of the HKSAR Government; 80 hours are paid by student.)
課程查詢 Enquiries
電話Tel: (852) 2873 3967
電郵Email: hkiim@cuhk.edu.hk
網址Website: https://hkiim.cuhk.edu.hk/iim/en/education/professional-diploma/detail/2
4L, 4/F, Day Treatment Block, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong, HKIIM